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Culture Clash in Handling Document Request of the Parties

The disputing parties often cannot agree on document request, the way, and sequence of written submissions. A party may insist that submissions must be made upfront, including all claims, legal ground, and evidence. By contrast, some other may prefer that evidence being developed further due the course of the proceedings. It appears also to be difficult for the Tribunal if one party attempts to "fishing expedition", seeking tribunal' order to rule the counterparty to produce certain documents.

As matter of law, parties in an arbitration at VIAC can submit evidence up to any point prior to the final hearing. According to § 25.4 VIAC Rules, § 19.1 VIAC rule, there is no clear rule which restricts the parties right to submit evidence up to certain point during the proceedings. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the tribunal has not the right to restrict arbitrary the parties’ right to submit further evidence at any point of proceedings until the final hearing. 

On another hand, parties cannot exchange their responds back and forth forever to prolong unnecessary the arbitration. To avoid abuse of endless submission, the tribunal has the power to manage the Case in according with §§ 18-20 VIAC Rules. The POs and Timetable to govern the proceedings, the power to allocate arbitration cost, are some means for the tribunal to manage the arbitration in the workable way.

Sometime, the sequence of submission also may matter. Who is obliged to submit what, at which sequence? The basic rule in Vietnam law: Any claim to arbitration must be accompanied by supporting evidence. Law on Commercial Arbitration (LCA 2010) and the VIAC Rules 2017 content such rules:   § 30.3 LCA 2010: The arbitration agreement and originals or copies of relevant must accompany the statement of claim§ 7.3 VIAC Rules 2017: “The Request for Arbitration shall be accompanied by the arbitration agreement and other relevant documentsA further basic principle can be found in VN Civil Procedure Code, at § 189.5 Civil Procedure Code. The basic principle is that: any claim must be accompanied with evidence. Violation of such principles can be a reason for the court to set aside arbitral award in accordance with § 68.2.dd LCA 2010.

That way of consecutive submissions appear also to be common practice at international arbitration. Example: UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2013, § 20.4 “4. The statement of claim should, as far as possible, be accompanied by all documents and other evidence relied upon by the claimant, or contain references to them”. And § 21.4: The provisions of article 20, paragraphs 2 to 4, shall apply to a counterclaim, a claim under article 4, paragraph 2 (f), and a claim relied on for the purpose of a set-off”.

The choice among consecutive or simultaneous submission is a matter of opinion, depending on circumstances of the case. As noted by UNCITRAL, consecutive and simultaneous submission, both have advantage and disadvantage. Simultaneous submissions not always save time if the parties request additional document production. 


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